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Author Guidelines

We ask that all authors follow these guidelines and format your contribution to look like this document. You can use the following "template" (Word version available, to be downloaded from The Contribution must be written preferably in English. Papers written in French or Romanian can be accepted in some special cases, but their abstract should be written in English

Please submit your contribution electronically in a camera-ready version (PDF) through this website.


Copyright Notice

The American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (ARA) requires authors of articles (the "Work" in ARA publications to provide a formal written Consent to Publish and a full Transfer of Copyright to the American Romanian Academy of Arts and Sciences (the “Publisher”),

The signed Consent to Publish gives the Publisher the permission of the Author(s) to publish their contribution (the “Work”). The signed Transfer of Copyright empowers the Publisher to protect the Work against unauthorized use and to properly authorize dissemination of the Work by means of printed publications, offprints, reprints, electronic files, licensed photocopies, microform editions, translations, document delivery and secondary information sources such as abstracting, reviewing and indexing services, including converting the Work into machine readable form and storing it in electronic databases.

The "Consent to Publish and Transfer of Copyright Agreement" to be signed by the Corresponding Author or, in the case of a "workmade-for-hire," by the employer, will be received by the corresponding author when the article has been accepted for publication and a digital edition of the signed form must be sent back to as soon as possible.


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